Have you ever wondered why some people, some products and even some organisations are a hit and others seem to flounder in a sea of obscurity? (Think: Susan Boyle, Apple ipod, Dancing with the Stars, Microsoft, Google and you've got the picture.) Well I think I've found the perfect book to explain why universal appeal happens for some and seems to be out of reach for others.
Vicki Kunkel's book: Instant Appeal: The 8 Primal Factors That Create Blockbuster Success (AMACON, 2009) is an eye opener from start to finish. The first myth debunked, is the notion that we have to be perfect to have appeal. Ms Kunkel's chapter: Ducklings, Defects and Devotion: The Conspicuous Flaw Factor, blows any notion of 'picture perfect' as having instant appeal right out of the water.
The book is based on extensive research and for us 'mere mortals', it's very comforting to know that we're in with a chance of success if we can simply apply a few tried and tested strategies. I don't think Susan Boyle has read the book, because over the last two days, we have seen a new 'glamorised' Ms Boyle. If she had read the book, she may have rethought the glam makeover. Kunkel cites the #1 Universal Law, that contrary to popular belief, physical flaws create an instant appeal to others. Yes, it's true! (There's hope yet for all of us!) Believe it or not, being too perfect can be a drawback! (Phew, that's a relief!)
The book is totally absorbing and Kunkel not only explains why Agatha Christie's books are so addictive (and reality shows too), but gives some good down to earth advice on how to make simple changes to engage and increase your own personal appeal or that of your organisation. She explains how certain words trigger a strong emotional, almost primeval response in us and how we can tap into this energy. (Think: Oh yeah, don't we just love this girl?)
In each chapter, Kunkel draws on other Universal Laws that help us to better understand the human psyche. For example I found the following chapters quite reassuring:
- The Reptilian Comfort Universal Law - or as Vicki calls it, the principle of least effort or the "Garfield Rule". Ok - hands up if you're guilty of this one? It seems that we're all guilty of this! (Don't worry then!) When it comes to the KISS principle, it usually works well in a marketing sense too.
- The Sacred Cow Universal Law - it turns out that we prefer to stay with something that we're familiar with rather than experimenting with something new. Why? Researchers have found that we feel safer with what is known.
What's most appealing (sorry, I can't help it) about the book, is that it's easy to read ( there we have it, the 'reptilian comfort' factor), it deals with loads of examples that you're all familiar with(oops there's the 'sacred cow' factor), in an imperfect world, with imperfect people (yes, you've got the picture now, the 'conspicuous flaw factor').
A fabulous read with great insights, lots of wit and it goes without saying, lots of "Instant Appeal". Susan Boyle, if you read this blog, then go out and get the book, you will no doubt already be an "instant star" but you may want to keep your "universal appeal" going a little longer. Lessons for all of us in this book, check it out.
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